Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are You Happy?

I came across this image:

Which I love.  My life consists of a back and forth amongst all these options.  I usually think I'm an "Are you happy?" No.  "Do you want to be happy?" Yes.

But sometimes I kind of enjoy the misery.  Other days I am genuinely happy.  I guess I have a disorder yet to be diagnosed.  Either that, or maybe I just sleep really well some nights.

Then again, my moods could also correlate to the amount of caffeine in my system.

Right now, for example, I'm very happy.  But I wasn't terribly happy when I woke up.  Maybe that's because One Tree Hill was the only thing on television.  In any case, I know one thing for certain: I'm at my happiest when I have an obsession going on.  I'm an easily obsessed person. 

Right now, I'm obsessed with Tolkien.  John and I are reading The Hobbit and marveling at the wit and imagination it contains.  The last time I read it, I was in high school, and to be honest, it (somehow) bored me.  But it's brilliant.

I'm also obsessed with losing ten pounds, though obviously this is not the kind of obsession that makes me happy.  Especially since it's not going terribly well, as evidenced by the donut I'm eating right as I type. 

I believe my next obsession will be: finding someone who can cut my hair like this:

And I do mean the female, although Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd are pretty dapper too.

Maybe my next obsession should actually be figuring out why Cate Blanchett is so stunningly beautiful. 

Anyway.  I'm going to try follow the advice of the image at the top of this post.  Since I'm normally the No-Yes type, it says I should change something.  Easier said than done, especially for someone as lazy and complacent as I am.  But it's absolutely right: I can envision where I want to be in life, so I need to make some changes and just get my ass there.

I think my first step will be to take a writing course.  And my second step might just be getting that haircut.

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